Memo to Black Men/Kamala Harris for President
Reason Kamala Harris for President
My brothers, I am checking to see if we all are on point. Because we got important work to do here for our sister. Rumors are floating around that we got excuse the term "pussies" amongst us. I hope this memo clears up any misconceptions about the mission. Consider this ditty a memorandum of love. The alternative, Donald Trump, is a step backward toward the misogynist racist tropes of the 1950s. An America where women were confined to the kitchen, black folks to the back of the bus, and gays were nonexistent.
Donald Trump views Black people as hewers of wood and drawers of water. Here lies the reality of the "Black job statement." In the irreverent world of miniscule Trump's brain circa 1950, he sees janitors, cleaners, and nannies. For example, how many cabinet or prime point positions did African Americans hold in the Trump administration? Where are Vice President Harris, Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Defense, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, or U.S. Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield in the Maga world? Dr. Ben Carson, fully capable of being Chief Medical Officer, got the traditional Black post of Secretary of HUD. Donald Trump prefers Black people as pets. Non-threatening happy-go-lucky negroes, suitable for a tap dance or running across the football field. The American negro lacks the intellectual push necessary to run the government.
One way for Trump to win in 2024 is voter suppression laws ranging from limiting early voting to purging registration lists are common. This is a clear response to Trump's questioning of the election results.
All the failed, toothless, beer-belly trailer park-living zombies got a hero. They are raising their diminutive brains to a fake deity who sells overpriced merchandise to the suckers born every minute. Armed zealots who stormed the People's house in D.C. These same armed fools won't hesitate to raise havoc on the rest of us doing their master's bidding. Trump, along with fellow misappropriation of the truth, such as Fox, creates an unsavory tone for the rest of us. The consistent belligerence, unintelligible language, and buffoon approach to governing have turned America into a must-see T.V. Statements like shit hole country, mocking persons with disabilities, questioning birth certificates of rivals, and removing classified information—the complete fallacy of normality. We've given the nuclear codes to a deranged madman with an oversized ego, a reactionary goon with an inflated sense of self. January 6, 2021, is a perfect indicator of a malcontent sociopath who believes the planet belongs to his ilk.
Brothers, a vote for Madam President Harris means we will do science during the next Pandemic. We don't need Albert Einstein's science; Bill Nye or Neil Degrassi Tyson will do.
I want to comment on the economy, inflation, and the importance of black men staying on their purpose and becoming masculine. The President doesn't run or control inflation or the economy. Unfortunately, credit is given to the President when the economy is good and demonized when things get sour. It's the nature of capitalism on crack. As a society, we've become increasingly comfortable with cynical unemployment, creating money out of nothing, such as cryptocurrencies, industries too big to fail, and pay-to-play corporations that buy politicians like Bill Melendez and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Amidst this chaos, Black man, you must define, defend, and build your empire. The American Christian Caucasian crony capitalism casino system is a failure. Watch your cash, protect your families, and organize with like minds and spirits regardless of race, creed, and color. Here are a few constructive things we can do.
Health care, education, particularly mental health, public safety services, real estate, financial services, and trades such as electricians and plumbers are pushing the economy now. No one should buy a new car or finance a used one. Stay away from single-family homes. Everyone should have a functional small business or part-time job. The gym replaces the bar and happy hour unless one is conducting business. Consider alternative ways of being. Example 320,000 gets you a multi-family house in Springfield—a similar home in Oakland over a million dollars. Your home base may have to be one place. Where and how you get money can be anywhere in the world. Every Black man in America should own a shotgun. Spend days off in church or spiritual nurturing pursuits, reading, strengthening family and friendship ties, and planning for the signs of the times; America is in its last days and a planet heading for a nuclear nightmare.
President Harris will make it comfortable to make moves. It is not the perfect solution for those practicing progressive politics. The military-industrial complex responsible for the death of 40,000 Palestinian people won't change. Justifiably so, the current misguided knuckleheads, including Kamala Harris, share the blame. Blame is a shared process here: Saudi Arabia and Associated Arab nations, Pro Israel lobbyists, the corny Christian nationalists with their misguided notion of the Bible, Israel, and Hamas. Israel deeply believes they are the chosen people responsible for ridding the land of the new Canaanites, Jebusittes, and Hittites, alias Palestinians. I included Hamas for failing to think that Israel wasn't going to respond with collective punishment.
Too much is at stake in this election. I support a woman's right to make medical choices concerning her body, a just and fair immigration policy where no one is illegal, and a commitment to science, even if it leans toward uncomfortable truths such as global warming or preparedness for the next Pandemic. An inclusive America where we address our fellow citizens according to their preferences. The rule of law, no matter how uncomfortable the results are,
Tone and professionalism are possible with Madam President. The myth-making syndrome that anyone with enough gumption can ascend to the mystical office of the leader of the free world. Myths like chopping down cherry trees, to honest Abe. An America where my daughters and granddaughters can look at President Harris with her unapologetic, beautiful hue and believe they can hold the highest elective position in the land.
I've heard frequent criticism of Madam President, including her opposition to reparations and repulsive discussions of her past dating habits, her blackness, and her choice of a husband. Madam President clearly understands the reparations debate. She acknowledges disparities in housing, education, and income. She mentions historical barriers, including Jim Crow and restrictive access to voting. A recent proposal that addresses past housing issues includes a 25,000 down payment.
Concerning her past dating habits, no one questions why 60-year-old married old ass Willie Brown was cheating on wifey with a woman half his age. A theory banging in the brain is the consistent critique of the black female body. The critique ranges from weight, reproductive choices, fashion taste, Brazilian butt lifts, and hairstyles to legislation on where or who should have access to her vagina. A good deal of this body policing comes from Black men. Considering Harris went to Howard and her past dating habits, she preferred a person of color. She probably dreamed of a picket fence and braiding those naps. It didn't happen. I speculate it was career decisions and the continuing black male relationship behaviors, including ghosting, cheating, manipulation, lying, and abuse, both mental and physical. A man respects and admires her path and chooses to share and build with her. Love is love, and who one chooses to love is a personal, private decision. If we policing choices consider the mentally blank, intellectually bankrupt pin-up girl, money-grabbing immigrant, the ignorant one wife up.
She shares, by nature, design, and intention, a black female perspective of being.
Donald Trump is a fucked up human being. The ultimate vestibule of white privilege. A fat slob bacon pissed diarrhea piece of excrement who will soil us all. He is a racist Nazi-loving clown who honestly believes his genes give him the right to rule. It could have been your daughter he grabbed by the pussy. Or an Uncle that he or his Hitler-loving father kept out of housing. Or maybe your son was part of the Central Park Five. He's a link to the past, a sunset town where one's black ass better be beyond the gates. It's an America that reminds me of Klan rallies or picnics where Black men hung from trees under the delightful stares of white folks coming home from church. Kamala Harris is right. ''We're not going back".
I have included some Podcasts and reading material to help you build, run, and maintain your Kingdom. I wish you peace on your journey. Let me be clear: several of these folks have different political views than me. However, I find their information valuable for Black men.
Manning Marable - How Capitalism Underdeveloped Black America
Amos Wilson - Blueprint for Black Power Clyde Ford - Of Blood and Sweat; Black Lives and the Making of White Power and Wealtb
Claude Anderson - Powernomics. The National Plan to Empower Black America
Haki Madhubuti - Earthquakes and Sunrise Missions. Black Men Single Obsolete and Dangerous
Marcus Garvey - Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey Elijah Muhammad - Message to the Black man Marimba AniYurugu: An African-centered critique of European thought and Behavior
Frances Welsing - The Isis Papers
Bobby Wright - The Psychopathic Racial Personality
Home team history Boyce Watkins Millionaire Morning Morning Show-Anton Daniel Ask an Older Man The Celebrity Junk Oshay Duke Jackson Officer Tatum show The Style O.G. The African Diaspora News Channel Dawson Speaks Mediocre Tutorials and Review Dr. Umar Johnson Tariq Nasheed Pocket Watching with JT JR wisdom
Alternative ways of being human
The Cat Who Taught Zen by James Norbury African Religions and Philosophy by John Mbuti
Dr. Joe Bledsoe and Mama Naasira Ageela - Spicy, tasty Vegan Cuisine
Parable of the Sower and Parable of the Talents by Octavia Butler